3dmm Hotel Episode #0
Directed by: Tom Bown, Ryan Omega, Ben Rice
Released: August 2005
Preview I don't know if this was just me, but I didn't really think about the significance of the 'Episode #0' prefix attached to this movie. Anyone expecting a fully-fledged start to the series should get rid of the pretence immediately. This is mearly an introduction to the show - nothing short of a trailer. Written by Tom Town, '3dmm Hotel Episode #0' sets the stage for future instalments. Bown, Ben and Ryan Omega have decided upon opening a hotel in 3dmm town; much to the angst of a certain local. They arrive at the property only to find a derelict ruin. Un-flummoxed by the daunting take of renovation, the team quickly spruce the place up. There is some OK animation and the scenery was actually quite pretty - both as consistent as the other. On the whole, this introductory skit does set some fairly steady groundwork for the rest of the series to take upon, but I found the jokes, comedy and 'quirks' largely unfunny - sorry. I also didn't really get the point of including the silly DD-rip off ending, it just confused matters further.
Overall rating: 4/10 Download
3dmm Hotel Episode #0 [4.29 MB]
Directed by: Kim Turley, Oliver Bacon
Released: February 2000
Preview An old action film combining the usual car chases, gunplay, a nuclear missile going missing, a bit of a twist in the end and all that. Now, there is a mix of premade 3dmm scenes (those that come included with 3dmm) a marvelous attempt at scenes, moving camera angles and animation. Some fairly reasonable fx also. Overall, a surprisingly impressive for a newbie's movie. Fantastic direction. Final Verdict: An inspirational movie for other newbies.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
9mm [1.14 MB]
Directed by: Kim Turley
Released: August 2002
Preview This is the first ever movie made by a non-Japanese person using the Doraemon Expansion Pack. It is short and sweet, and shows some of the scenes/characters/sounds that the expansion pack offers. This movie like, Bongo The Traveller has started a series that has caught on in the community. A movie that will go down in 3dmm history, so download now.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
BAM! [14.4 KB]
Ben's Halloween
Directed by: Ben Rice
Released: October 2005
Preview Whenever watching something by Ben Rice, I always feel as though the intro and the credits are longer than the actual film. In this case it seems like a near certainty. Within the first two scenes you realise that it
Overall rating: 1/10 Download
Ben's Halloween [1.22 MB]
Bernatrick Compilation, The
Directed by: Patrick Bernardo
Released: April 2005
Preview 3dmm Studio's very own Bernatrick shows off his talents with this compilation of random animations and unfinished movies. Bernatrick has a reputation for being an awesome 3dmmer, and it truly shows here. Eye-popping scenery, smooth and animation, and general awesome on everything makes for a great compilation by one of the community's most talented members. Too bad he never finishes anything. Review by Tom Bown.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Bernatrick Compilation, The [13.76 MB]
Bob'z Bar 1: The Tramp's Treasure
Directed by: Will Cheyney, Oliver Bacon
Released: October 2000
Preview Very old movie Will and his mate Ollie did awhile ago about a bunch of tramps and their treasure-stealing habits. It all takes place among the standard 3dmm scenes and features some very weird English humor. Funny? Not all that much, no. Interesting? Nope. So why see it? Well if you're in the mood for something weird, then this would suit very nicely.
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
Bob'z Bar 1: The Tramp's Treasure [485 KB]
Bob'z Bar 2: Ruffy's Rescue
Directed by: Will Cheyney, Oliver Bacon
Released: November 2000
Preview The tramps are back and the pirates may just have their revenge this time in this continuation to the oddball 3dmm British comedy series from Will and Ollie. This was a lot more entertaining, the storyline really makes no sense at all but here Kim has done some little animation tricks and the scenes that are hand-animated are done pretty well. Hopefully we'll see a Bob'z Bar 3. When I saw BB1, I dreaded any other movies being released with this plot & characters but this is a big step forward. It's good for a few chuckles.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Bob'z Bar 2: Ruffy's Rescue [1.22 MB]
Christmas Sleigh Ride
Directed by: Kim Turley, Joss Turley
Released: December 2002
Preview A short Christmas movie here from Kim and his brother. It is very simple and quite random, but the camera angles and sound effects are good. A funny movie with a remix Kim made at the end, also look at the preview picture inside the movie for something 'extra'.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Christmas Sleigh Ride [730 KB]
Computer Interface Competition 2
Directed by: Will Cheyney, others
Released: February 2005
Preview The sequel to Zygar's original 'Computer Interface Competition' idea, showcasing community members efforts at re-creating the Windows environment within 3D Movie Maker. This addition to the 'series' is interesting to watch as a direct comparison to the original version, seeing how directors can now achieve certain effects with v3dmm that simply weren't possible when the original movie was released back in 2003. It's a shame more people didn't enter the competition, but I recommend this to people who are after something a little 'different'. In addition, after watching the movie, people vote for your favorite entry here. A 3dmm Studio exclusive.
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
Computer Interface Competition 2 [869 KB]
Directed by: Ben Rice
Released: November 2004
Preview This movie had some major flaws and yet some fairly good points. One of the first things I noticed about it was the extreme apparance of poor sound use. Not only are many default 3dmm sounds used, but they're often badly applied. The music and speech overlaps so much this film would be better suited using subtitles! All voice acting is done by Ben himself and everything is a bit messed up; everyone sounds pretty much the same. As for the animation, it had some very good sequences in contrast to some rather creaky "90's" style bits - aka slow and blocky. Overall, not a bad attempt at a first movie - just keep trying Ben and you'll get there very soon.
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
Deputy [6.33 MB]
Deputy: DVD Edition
Directed by: Ben Rice
Released: December 2004
Preview What can I say? I only reviewed the original, non-dvd version last update! Pretty much the same as before, except with more bells and whistles. It includes a widescreen and non-widescreen version of the film, a director's commentary, trailers for upcoming movies, and other random things. I don't think the widescreen edition of the movie worked too well, however. At times it was obvious that the movie had never been intended for such an aspect ratio, and at several points during the film scenery, props and characters were wrongly cropped or obscured. Every DVD menu was also messed up; the scene numbers given were completely wrong - something that Ben should have noticed and remedied before it's release. If you haven't seen the original version of Deputy, or if you were a huge fan of it, this is defiantly worth checking out. It's early days for Mr. Rice, and things look quite promising.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Deputy: DVD Edition [27.64 MB]
Dominos (unfinished)
Directed by: Travis Wells
Released: October 2003
Preview Short, stupid, and confusing. Three words that best describe this movie. The main jist of the story is basically some guy getting mad at Dominos pizza so he gets a coupon for a free pizza. After this part though I got completely lost because the movie moved way too fast and just ended in the middle of nowhere. Not many sounds, no music, jerky animation, bad directing and horrid scenery. What's worse though is that there are word boxes instead of actual voices, not like that would have mattered though cause the movie moved too quick that even voices couldn't have saved the plot. I'm assuming this guys a newbie though so I don't wanna go all out. Better luck next time.
Overall rating: 2/10 Download
Dominos (unfinished) [283 KB]
Dylan's Forgotten Fate
Directed by: Ben Rice
Released: December 2005
Preview "Dylan's Forgotten Fate" takes place before the events of Ben's major release this year, "The Handmade Character", telling of the fate of Dylan, the main character from "The Handmade Character". The film itself showcases some incredible animation and a story which may remind alot of viewers of "Redux". If you're a fan of Ben Rice's work, or want to continue watching the story of "The Handmade Character" unfold, I suggest you watch this film. Review by Jonny Anson.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Dylan's Forgotten Fate [1.90 MB]
Directed by: Travis Wells
Released: March 2002
Preview A new show by Travis. Actually, its not a show, its a waste of time. What the hell was this?! Terrible voice-acting. It has some funny bits, but thats all. And, remember if you are in one of Travis's shows; don't blow in the microphone!
Overall rating: 3/10 Download
Geopardy [498 KB]
Handmade Character, The
Directed by: Ben Rice
Released: May 2005
Preview This movie is definitely Ben
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Handmade Character, The [6.74 MB]
Horny and the Dead Remake
Directed by: Kim Turley
Released: January 2004
Preview Here we have Jeff Ching's "Horny and the Dead", redone by Kim Turley. I didn't care much for the original, nor did many others. But I must say Turley did a great job on giving it some life. I mean he didn't go and revamp the WHOLE thing, basically he just saw the obvious flaws and went "Damn...that sucks..." then fixed it. Most noticable are the scenes. Where stock scenes are used, he changed camera angles every so often. Doesn't sound like much, I know, but in a movie like this, it makes a huge difference. In other stock scenes, he covered some things to make it semi-hand-made. For instance, in the city scene, he covered everything but the park bench with polygons - just to make it not quite so n00bish-looking. Other tweaks include more detailed props, smoother animations (i.e, slightly better fight scenes), dicks suddenly popping in and out of zipperes....*kaff*....etc. I couldn't pick up any changes with audio, but he did add this nifty soundtrack gizmo thingimabobber (yes, thats the professional term) so you can browse the music. Well... I thought it was neat... Anyways, a readme would've been nice to point out all the changes, but whether you've seen the original Horny and the Dead or not, this is a good thing to download.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Horny and the Dead Remake [11.40 MB]
Kenny Dies
Directed by: Kim Turley
Released: November 2000
Preview A while back, someone made a movie where Kenny from South Park is systematically shot to death, body part by body part (who was that Jackson Buhck? Answers on a postcard please!) and this uses that same principal. Nothing more to really say about it. Animation is reasonably cartoony and the blood not amazingly done but for a really short little movie, this isn't too bad at all. On the Really-Short-Comical-Animation-Scale. Plus it's a nice and small download.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Kenny Dies [47 KB]
Laugh and a Half
Directed by: Ben Rice
Released: December 2004
Preview Ben Rice's very first movie and my(!), how he's improved - in such a short space of time! But anyway, oh dear. This movie is basically complete trash. Default scenery; rubbish, annoying music; poor humor and shit voice acting. I was sorely tempted to press stop and forget all about this almost as soon as the movie had started. Actually, saying that, the was ONE mildly ok'ish scene with the handmade Predator character. Overall it isn't funny and not even worth downloading. The title lies; it's not even 'half' a laugh. Review by Will Cheyney.
Overall rating: 2/10 Download
Laugh and a Half [1.74 MB]
Laugh and a Half 2
Directed by: Ben Rice
Released: March 2005
Preview A short movie made by Ben Rice, but unfortunately, the comedy in this movie doesn't live up to what is promised in the title. The animation and scenery are good, and show a huge improvement for Ben, but the plot is stupid, the voices are horrible, and the humour, if you can call it that, barely raised a smile. Overall, a nice effort by Ben as far as 3dmming skills go, but he should stay far away from comedies, and stay even further away from his microphone. Review by Tom Bown.
Overall rating: 3/10 Download
Laugh and a Half 2 [1.89 MB]
Mindless Psycho Killing
Directed by: Kim Turley
Released: April 2004
Preview Many people have been divided over this movie. Was it a solid entertaining action movie, or just another stupid PAM? It's obvious that Kim doesn't want this movie to be anything other then brainless, but what it does it does very well. This movie has been about 5 years in the making, being remade from the unfinished version back in 1998, and it shows. Some of the scenery is very poor, and some is excellent. The hand-made guns are simply excellent, the best ever made in 3dmm. There are also some original ideas and camera work. Unfortunately, the movie is let down by its slow pacing, and it also went on for a bit too long. Still, it's a recommended download for action lovers, although I would take 2 points off the score if you hate PAM's.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Mindless Psycho Killing [9.40 MB]
Mindless Psycho Killing Preview
Directed by: Kim Turley
Released: September 2001
Preview Well after much advertising on the BB the preview is here. It's not bad - but its not great. Not in the same league as 'The French Teacher' or anything. Most previews we see have sparse amounts of action and boorish lengthy scripts to read. But here we see a bit of the action involved. However, the animation is jumpy and not that smooth, throughout the movie. Overall I would say the preview has lacked in scenery. I think that this movie may suffer from the same problem that UNO did - being over-hyped, and unless the action you see here now becomes 5 times better on the full release, it will be a huge disappointment.
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
Mindless Psycho Killing Preview [908 KB]
Molotov's STEEL Parody
Directed by: Will Bamber
Released: August 2004
Preview A spoof by Molotov, this is based on Tom Bown and Pogos movie STEEL (Well derr!) It's easy to tell that Molotov was purposely made it look crap. Only download if you have a burning desire to watch a really rubbish spoof movie. Review by Ben Rice.
Overall rating: 1/10 Download
Molotov's STEEL Parody [205 KB]
Nightmare from Space (unfinished)
Directed by: Ben Rice
Released: June 2005
Preview Ben Rice has since moved on to other projects, so Nightmare from Space has officially been scrapped. From the looks of the unfinished version, it was unlikely to improve on Rice's latest movie, The Handmade Character. Nightmare from Space (NFS) is plagued by a pretty bad script. One thing Rice should do is work on getting his script edited by a third party before continuing. There were too many unneccesary scenes, and many lines that could use polishing. The presentation of NFS is pretty basic. Although the camera moves a fair amount, it's pretty standard as far as angles go. Some scenes are framed so badly it's unclear where the action is taking place. The visuals are not spectacular, but they're not horrendous. There are many times where the textures mush into zigzags instead of how they're supposed to look. NFS also has another downside, and that is that the titular "Nightmare" creature isn't that scary. In fact, it's somewhat comical. The rounded shapes used to create it make it look cartoony. Sound is widely ranged. Some dialog is good, but faint, while others sound like they're being recorded on a telephone inside a echoey metal chamber that's submerged in a water tank in an airplane. The concept is cool, some effects are well done, but the weighty script and slow plot, not to mention the dialog bring down the movie. Though it's a shame to see it unfinished, Ben is best served by moving on. Review by Andrew Salter.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Nightmare from Space (unfinished) [7.50 MB]
Nightmare from Space Trailer
Directed by: Ben Rice
Released: April 2005
Preview Ben Rice's incredibly hyped movie Nightmare From Space gets another trailer. This shows more of the interesting-looking plot, and the animation was good too. However, most of the scenery was pretty old-looking and the voice stammered too much. The end of the trailer does show a large improvement, so I can only hope that the rest of the movie lives up to this. Review by Tom Bown.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Nightmare from Space Trailer [296 KB]
Room 106
Directed by: Will Bamber
Released: October 2005
Preview The Fright Fest 2005 kicks of with a short horror tale by Mr. Bamber, about a man locked in his room in a abandoned hotel speaking of why he is trapped and telling of his ways out. It is a rather dark story of murder and the atmosphere of it is kinda creepy. I know for a fact that horrors are Molotov's speciality. It has some very horrific scenery and the voices and textures use really blend into the Film Fest of All Hallows Eve indeed. Sadly, the ending was a bit of a let down and is rather random - it'll definitely make you jump. Another downside is that this movie is quite complicated and I had to watch it about 3 times to understand it, doing the same should help you get the picture and allow you to appreciate the movies writing subtleties. This is a fairly good entry into the Fright Fest, download if you want a good, albeit confusing, scare or just love the spirit of Halloween! Review by Ben Rice.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Room 106 [2.42 MB]
Smashing Pumpkins, The
Directed by: Will Cheyney
Released: October 2001
Preview (Written by Will Malbty - obviously I can't review my own movies!) A short but very sweet movie from Will here made specially for the 3dmm.co.uk Halloween update. To explain more would ruin the effect, but needless to say it's a good laugh and well fitted to the season. Uses a sound from Nick the Almighty's "B-Break" (just thought I'd mention that 'cos you know how I like to bitch when people use sounds without credit...). Anyway, yeah, good movie, download as soon as.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Smashing Pumpkins, The [754 KB]
Smeg Show, The
Directed by: Travis Wells
Released: May 2002
Preview From the creator of Geopardy (and various 'lil 3dmm apps), Travis presents 'The Smeg Show'. It starts out with a "interview" with himself, then alot of other sketches like The Poem Night and Why dosent we have subtitles and stuff. Boring. "Enjoy" this movie with 105 voices.
Overall rating: 2/10 Download
Smeg Show, The [2.42 MB]
Tale of a Toy Monkey - Rise of the Toys Teaser
Directed by: Ben Rice
Released: June 2005
Preview While this teaser for 'Tale of a Toy Monkey - Rise of the Toys' is definitely not the very best I've seen, it's still not a bad preview of things to come. Camera movements are smooth, scenery good, and the character animation isn't too shabby, but something is lacking. It doesn't seem to have the appeal a good preview should have. The attempt at making shadows was creative but poorly engineered. The hand-made characters are cleverly designed, showing characteristics of both real and cartoon characters. The worse part of it though, is the sound quality. Although better than most movies on the site, it seems a little choppy and the music doesn't fit right. If you don't mind me making a suggestion for this movie, I think the sound quality would be 100% better if you wrote a voice script and got the music you needed and recorded it all at once. Even if it's a 30 minute to an hour movie, it would be worth the time investment. I wouldn't use the default sound effects either, if you want sound effects record them when you record the voices and music. Just be creative. For example, to make a noise like a person walking just get a few loafers and tap them on a desk or a few 2" wooden blocks tapped on a metal garbage can lid would make a great sound effect for someone crawling in the vents of a building. Just a suggestion. Review by Peter Marise.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Tale of a Toy Monkey - Rise of the Toys Teaser [1.69 MB]
Directed by: Kim Turley
Released: June 2001
Preview Finally! Kim has finished his drama, Uno. Its nothing new to me as I've been continuously seeing Uno throughout its development... but I never seem to grow tired of it; there's something about it. I think its just down to the fact that I have seen the shear amount of work Kim has put into making this movie. The movie is reasonably well choreographed. The animation is average, but sometimes suffers from 'jumping'. The scenery is sufficiently detailed. No OTT (over the top) action, and a good and well timed soundtrack - some of which is composed by Kim himself. However, I don't think that the movie lived up to the hype that surrounded it.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Uno [3.50 MB]
X-Production Showcase
Directed by: Kim Turley, Joss Turley, others
Released: August 2001
Preview This movie came as a surprise for me. I went round to Kim's house one day, and after watching a couple of 3D movies, he said, "Oh yeah... my brother made this the other day....". To be honest, I wasn't expecting much, as the only things I have seen made by Joss (Kim's brother) in 3dmm, were amazingly detailed gun stills, or short animation's of custom characters. But, when the movie started, I was pleasantly surprised. The movie is basically a showcase of scenes from films made by either Kim or Joss Turley, Oliver Bacon or I, with music dubbed over the top. And it works... A complaint I do have about it however, is that, in the original version I saw, the dubbed music was the theme to 'The Patriot', which worked well. But for some reason Kim got rid of it altogether, and replaced it with several trashy rock songs. Having it in wouldn't have gone a miss ;) Its a hard movie to rate, because it isn't really a movie as such... it's a showcase! But, never before has a 3dmm movie company looked so good.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
X-Production Showcase [1.76 MB]